Welcome to:
First Assembly
of God
Welcoming you home
Life is made up of many choices and experiences. God has created you to be in a relationship with Him and not go through life on your own. Wrong choices (sin) is what causes a separation between us and a God who is holy. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to provide for the forgiveness and removal of our sin so we can experience life lived in a relationship with God. Life is best lived when we have good relationships with God and with other people.
First Assembly of God is a church family in New Castle, PA who are learning what it means to LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE and CHANGE THE WORLD. Come on this journey with us as we learn to live life together.
You've found a place to belong. WELCOME HOME!

Sunday - 10:30am
We offer online viewing of our services for your convenience. We believe the in person experience is the best, but understand that it is not always possible. We will do our best to provide you with an opportunity to watch our service online.
You can check out our Facebook page and Youtube channel for more information by clicking below.